The left wing TV show “The View” has finally jumped the shark in a way that may delegate it to the trash bin of TV-finally. Trying to make a play at controversy, instead coming off like a “rag-mag” gossip session, Joy Behar cracked that “nursing isn’t a real profession, they just are wanna be doctors”.
What is funny, is that Behar is trash talking one of the oldest historical female based careers (not the oldest-but yes its probably #2, with teacher at #3), and Behar lost all women in that moment, she may be seeking a “real job” herself.
The subject of the taunt was Miss Colorado who did a monologue about nursing while dressed in her scrubs.
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Just wait till this crone needs one then she’ll see how professional they are .
Hope she lives a very healthy life style and doesn’t get sick or hurt. I think everyone knows who she is.
It’s a liberal speaking . They have no clue. Liberals really are not Americans anymore. They have sold us out.
hopefully you won’t be conscious the next time you may have to go to a hospital,stupid
Well hopefully if she ever goes to hospital need medical attention.. She will wait until the Dr. Sees her which might take awhile
Oh really??!! Nurses work just as hard as doctors if not harder !!!!!!!
What would Joy know about a job, she has never had one while a nurse saves lives and helps the ill everyday. Get a life Joy or better yet get a job you need a brain to do. Someday you may need a nurse and well all I can say is KARMA.
That hag will say anything for a little attention, poster child ( mentally) for a has been!!
Obviously, she’s never worked with nurses or been one. They’re great individuals who care and are dedicated, even when patients are not acting “human” due to illnesses;etc. It takes a caring heart and a lot of patience. GO NURSES! !