Hillary Clinton gets up each morning and a staffer with notes visits her before she starts her day. The staffer hands her the non-fat latte “to get the 67 year old Hillary moving”, and they are ready to have their morning sit down chat session. This is a must. The staffer’s job description is to keep Hillary on track on her positions. Sometimes Hillary does get confused, and the staffer, with a huge sigh, has to bring out the “videos”.
The videos, are a reminder of who Hillary was, and who she is now. Sometimes, it gets so confusing to be Hillary. “Am I for gay marriage?” Hillary is heard asking under her breath, at a late night campaign event. Maybe you’ve noticed that wide eyed look Hillary gets when on stage or at a town hall meeting. That little earplug tucked safely into her ear, let’s her know if she is for illegal aliens or for a strong border. And to think she is a front runner for President and a little over a year from now she could be taking the oath of office, is scary.
Problem with our 24/7 news cycle is yesterday is a faded memory. The Clinton’s perfected the “focus group”. This was a new way of deciding who you are, and what you stand for, it’s the formula for Bill Clinton becoming President. His staff went all over the country and were able to deduce what way the wind blew on the issues. And with that in mind, we have a candidate, Hillary, who has been around too long. The focus groups from the 1990’s are catching up to the focus groups of 2015.
We’ve weeded through Hillary video soundbites from the way back machine, and contrasted them from the Hillary of today. What we have uncovered is astonishing. We found Hillary conceding she takes orders from the Council on Foreign Relations.
Don’t miss all the Hillary flip flops from her own mouth next page
One lie is enough for me and this woman has a boatload of them and you seriously have the gall to run?!?!? Sorry INTEGRITY HONESTY and follow the constitution and Bill of rights is only way a candidate gets my vote hence forth!!
“What difference does it make?”
You can even stretch your hand another fifteen feet
She’s totally nuts!
She was tossed off the water gate investigation for being a LIAR. Wow would she change her tactics when they have worked for her up until now !!
No there much bigger
Killary can do no wrong. She’s a goddess of Satan. Just like ovomit.
Lying seems to work well for her. OLD hillary the LIAR has been in politics for many, many years, accumulated untold wealth, caused numerous security leaks, failed to save four Brave Americans at Benghazi, and still has managed to stay out of jail. Hopefully that slimy exterior will rub off and she will have to face up to her crimes.
She was charged and later dismissed by lead investigators for unethical behavior i.e. – LIAR. So as a young attorney this was proven which would bring into question her character and probably should have ruined her young career. Not in Washington D C where unethical behavior and questionable character are embraced and even celebrated.
If republicans would read more instead of looking at memes they wouldnt be republicans. Republicans are already caught by the CIA editing her emails and slandering her. Most real people involved say that if she is held for this bush is responsible for 9/11. Most 80% of Americans know Bush is at fault and Clinton isn’t involved. So republicans will always be behind