If they aren’t already, Rubio supporters really should begin to question not only his commitment to conservatism but his integrity as well. That he would tell a bald-faced lie to defend his own spotty record and in turn accuse Ted Cruz of lying when he points it out says more about him than any anti-gun vote he might have made when he was just a Miami city official.
According to reporters the Rubio campaign fired back saying Cruz’s allegation was a lie:
“Senator Cruz is getting increasingly desperate and giving up on trying to tell voters the truth. Marco is proud of his strong support for and record of standing up for the Second Amendment and no amount of Cruz lies can change that.”
Watch the video below for yourself:
Source: Conservative Outfitters
So give up your guns$#%&!@*…
At least Trump don’t LIE!!!
I call bull$#%&!@*on that. Prove it???? Where’s the proof$#%&!@* That’s what I thought. Talking out your ASS
Steven garver. Saying and voting are two different things. Dumb$#%&!@* I can say I’m going to kill you all day long. But doing it is a crime. Common sense.
Everybody is against trump except for the people. You vote for corrupt gop morons
Does anybody here talking$#%&!@*about Trump have a video of Trump saying this$#%&!@*?? No. That’s right bitches
rubio another obomo !
Not true. The only people against Trump are true conservatives who actually care about the constitution and the bill of rights. Ted Cruz is not some corrupt politician. He has fought corruption on both sides, against both republicans and democrats. Low information voters like you are going to destroy this country.
Lying bastard
Down with that democrat Rubio…