Although America is founded upon “religious freedom” liberals turn that concept on its head. The founding fathers were not worried that one religion would “dominate”– they were concerned that the State would overstep its authority and become involved with regulating what one could believe and how one could live by those precepts.
see video evidence next page
Who cares what mentally challenged Liberals want.
What about the Koran? Kinda funny how liberals never are offended by Muslims but always are by Christians. Remember radical Muslims KILL Christians AND liberals AND gays
If the Bible goes, then the Torah goes, so does the Koran, Buddhist and Hindu and any other book of stories or prayers. Out it goes. So when do we start burning books. Didn’t $#%&!@* do that.? Liberals we can burn your movies, your short stories. And anything else you put out. All is fair game.
Ban the Bible and teach the kids what the Quran says . Thats why America is becoming what it is. This has to be stopped. The majority need to be heard not minority and the Bible will stay, The American Flag will stay . and God will Stay . Period. Majority Stand Up. I know you we will be heard from Trump.
@[100000162900006:2048:Crystal Howell]
Our Bible and Our Lord Jesus Christ is here for Eternity “
Move to a different country. None of your business
this is a christian country.our motto on our money is in god we trust.its time we stand up and show its in god that we trust
Liberal know faith can’t be stolen and their handlers fear Christian’s inner strength so they are dispatched to attack.