Although America is founded upon “religious freedom” liberals turn that concept on its head. The founding fathers were not worried that one religion would “dominate”– they were concerned that the State would overstep its authority and become involved with regulating what one could believe and how one could live by those precepts.
see video evidence next page
Will never happen!
They hate the trues and they love sin.
A Libtard picks and chooses verses from the bible to try and justify an argument where a conservative Christian try’s their best to live it daily !
LOL sorry ain’t gonna happen–not in my USA it isn’t there are enough Christians that will adhere to their Faith & fight for their God
stupid liberals!
Well that’s just too bad liberals.
LIBS are you ready to burn all the paper on Planet Earth and never to have another Piece ?
by the way why are you using Freedom to take yourselves to the Gallows?
Its Insane to banana book if Murder, $#%&!@* and Pedophiles ?
You must!
So You Support this kind of behavior ?
Nobody’s taking my bibles!