Although America is founded upon “religious freedom” liberals turn that concept on its head. The founding fathers were not worried that one religion would “dominate”– they were concerned that the State would overstep its authority and become involved with regulating what one could believe and how one could live by those precepts.
see video evidence next page
It was banned in Germany from the jews. The bible prophecies a day when we will be greatly persecuted and that would seem to me to be the number one thing a socialist government would take from christians. Sort of like China.
Hey Russell Reeks of satan c**p. Take a page from history and learn.
Proof our faith in Christ is wrapped up pretty tightly in many aspects of the American way of life and religion
We should ban the Liberals.
No! My Bible will be forever used, loved snd protected by our Cons$#%&!@*ution!
If only you knew today how ignorant of truth you really are, blake!
No. They want everything banned, except what they believe.
Quit with the Moron c**p, morons can’t even type. Education is available. That’s what I said, only what they believe.
Total idiots
Sandra Ritchie Sadly I didn’t get to choose which schools I went to and reading the bible and going to chapel were both compulsory.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.