Bernie Sanders may be trying to rehabilitate the image of socialism in the eyes of Americans, but past comments of his will doubtlessly make that task all the more difficult.
Whereas the independent Vermont senator turned Democratic presidential candidate now studiously avoids issues pertaining to foreign policy, Sanders went out of his way to weigh in on matters of national security and international relations back when he was mayor of Burlington back in the 1980’s.
Actually, perhaps “weigh in” isn’t a strong enough phrase: Sanders vocally denounced the Reagan administration’s policy in Central America and not only that, spoke glowingly of the communist dictatorships in Cuba and Nicaragua.
According to Sanders, these regimes took care of their people and provided them with free healthcare and food. He even went as far to say that Americans were wrong to think negatively of bread lines in socialist countries because, in his view, they were a “good thing.”
Watch Sanders’ outrageous comments regarding communist regimes for yourself on the next page:
Never thought I would live long enough to see an avowed Communist Socialist like Bernie Sanders sit around in our congress for many years and do absolutely Nothing and then see the Anti-America everything fool actually run for President of the US. But then, a lot of idiots voted for Obama and knew Nothing about him and still don’t. And then there is Hillary who should should be in prison, but instead has vowed to carry on the Divisive Anti-America Obama demonic c**p if elected.
Common Sense in America has taken a long walk off of a short pier.
Commie asswhipe
Paul Gaines
Bernie sanders is a socialist commie nut bag. ..
Brainwashed foolish incumbent people!
I can’t help but wonder why he hasn’t just moved to a socialist country. Oh yeah, because they suck! This guy wants to live free in the WH for 8 yrs, & then collect his forever pension! He has been in public office for 26 yrs. His career fell into his lap, while he was sitting on his butt w/ nothing better to do. Well, @ least he found a career after 40 yrs of NOT trying, IG.
He is a nut job!!
So what does he think. Maybe everybody is the USA should quit work. Where is the money going to come from. Where is his paycheck going to come from. Who is going to pass out the bread. This man is a nut case. Wants to give every thing away for free. What happens when it runs out Bernie Who’s going to pay for the free stuff then