Whenever there are “explosions” at US Military bases around the world, one wonders if it’s truly accidental or is there malevolent figures behind it. This massive explosion in Japan seems to be accidental. Although, on Okinawa, there has been a growing group if powerful men and most of the citizens of Okinawa that have wanted the US off their island.
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this news, in fact my son was born there in 1964
First the two in China, and now this? No way it’s a coincidence.
You won’t be seeing this on the mainstream media…
Obama has been quite the past few days. I think he isn’t letting the true situation to be known to American people and what he is really doing in foreign policy. America is on the verge of something and it ain’t good!!!
exactly my point Robert , it was a U.S. facility , so the kill 2 birds with one particle beam weapon , they hate the japs , and an Ameiracan base on jap soil makes a nice fat target , repay for the damage the American particle beam weapon wreaked on China , this next war will be fought very differently from any other in history , the populace wont even realise theyre under attack
Bryan Nichols read roberts reply