During last year’s presidential campaign, Democrats spent months accusing Donald Trump of inciting violence. Now, after a shellacking at the hands of the Republicans, the left have decided that inciting violence is actually okay — as long as it is against the right.
Of course, the left were the violent ones all along in 2016. While many Trump rallies turned into riots, anti-Trump protesters were almost always the root of the chaos. But that never mattered to the politicians on the left. They blamed the violence on Trump — even though the protests were against the candidate, not for him.
One of the biggest perpetrators of this false narrative was Elizabeth Warren. On any given night, she could be seen on national television accusing Trump’s supporters of the violence that was being waged against them.
But that was when Democrats were still in power. Now that they’re powerless, Warren is singing a different tune. She’s no longer calling for an end to violence — she’s promoting it.
Watch her promote violence against Republicans in the video on the next page:
She’s batshit crazy
Those who are still behind Trump, don’t care if he doesn’t pay taxes, cheated on his past wives, nasty to anyone who doesn’t agree with him, and breaks the 9th Commandment (lies) everytime he opens his mouth. And a lot of Trump supporters are saying now: “he’s doing just what he said he would do” Yes, they are right……he acted nasty before the election and still acts nasty. Nasty is evil! They like Trumps nasty bluster. Truth is……he is enhancing himself and the rich with his conflicts of interest while taking away from you and I. He lies about everything. You can’t trust someone who lies everytime they say something! (Yes or no?)
As soon as information comes out on his involvement with Russia, Trump will start a war (sly fox) which will keep him in the White House for 4-8 more years. They are saying 81 % of White Evangelicals voted for Trump and 82% of Republicans are still behind him. It is easier to fool someone than to convince him he has been fooled……ego and pride at work here
What a disgraceful woman.
Go trump he’s the man
she is pitiful
Those who are still behind Trump, don’t care if he doesn’t pay taxes, cheated on his past wives, nasty to anyone who doesn’t agree with him, and breaks the 9th Commandment (lies) everytime he opens his mouth. And a lot of Trump supporters are saying now: “he’s doing just what he said he would do” Yes, they are right……he acted nasty before the election and still acts nasty. Nasty is evil! They like Trumps nasty bluster. Truth is……he is enhancing himself and the rich with his conflicts of interest while taking away from you and I. He lies about everything. You can’t trust someone who lies everytime they say something! (Yes or no?)
As soon as information comes out on his involvement with Russia, Trump will start a war (sly fox) which will keep him in the White House for 4-8 more years. They are saying 81 % of White Evangelicals voted for Trump and 82% of Republicans are still behind him. It is easier to fool someone than to convince him he has been fooled……ego and pride at work here
prozac queen!!!
F**e chief Moon Bat CRAZY