Al Gore may have referred to his belief in global warming as “an inconvenient truth,” but there is another inconvenient truth that Mr. Gore and his fellow Democrats would certainly like to keep buried. It’s an ugly truth about an ugly organization. And the Democrats were neck-deep in it.
We all have things we’d prefer to forget happened. This is true for both individuals and for nations. In fact, for individuals, learning from the past and then leaving it in the past is a mentally healthy thing to do. Constantly resurrecting painful memories can be an indicator of mental illness.
Political parties, by their nature, have plenty of sordid events in their histories, some more than others. That said there is one event in the history of the Democratic party that we can be sure current party members want buried in the past. It’s just that ugly.
More on page two.
3 white men belonging to the KKK started THE NAACP to keep the control over black people but a lot black just like other races are to FRIGGING stupid to see what’s really happening
Ahh don’t tell the dark skinned Americans, they’ll melt just like the white snowflakes
LBJ, Democratic president signed to get control of the black vote, it worked.
They are still using it to advance their agenda.
Treason and more but we worry about someone talking to th Russians about nothing.
If they keep it up that word is gonna make a comeback!
Their working on it aren’t they.
I know this , you know it but these goofy people don’t check facts or anything
If you watch Hillary‘s America; you will see Dinesh D’Souza Already exposed this.