Despite the fact that the Democratic candidate appeared to have just suffered a seizure, the interview proceeded as if absolutely nothing out of the ordinary had happened. That’s because the media has a vested interest in keeping a lid on questions about Hillary’s health, as David Seaman learned when he was fired from the Huffington Post after doing just that.
See the video for yourself:
Please vote for hillary if you are or if you have family that lives in areas with poor economy, are gay, black, cross gender, disabled, Christain or female. We need the practices / legacy of the obama adminstration to continue. We need hundreds of thousands of refugees who will be supported by the trash American working people. We need to maintain the high level of education and job opportunities obama has brought to the black community. We need to maintain the status obama has brought to the gay, cross gender, alternitive sex groups. We need obamas example and increase the muslim leadership in our goverment to change our country to sheria law. A vote for hillary is the simple choice
>……… TRUMP supporters will all start answering ALL polls Nov. 1st. Until then we will continue to not answer ANY polls. Copy and paste. REMEMBER, Nov 1st. Take all polls online, on the phone, robo polls, etc. in support of Trump and all Republican Senate seats.. Please copy and paste on 10 other sites. Thank you. #FBfixisin try to comment a link to project V eritas and you’ll be signed out and not allowed to comment for 24 hrs. If every Trump supporter took the time to copy and paste this post it would go viral! #boycottMegynKelly #stopthecorruption #FOXNEWS2016 #DRAINtheSWAMP #supremecourtbalance
Most corrupt people ever to hold public office. But the average voter scares hell out of me. Never, ever, overestimate the intelligence of the average American voter.
Stop all the hatred. Nothing is ever created with hate, only destroyed,..