Iran’s state-run media is in full swing, encouraging the Iranian population and offending its enemies with propaganda in the form of a documentary showing the simulated bombing of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel, and destroying U.S. targets in the Persian Gulf. The documentary reported the boasts of Iranian leaders to strike out if the were attacked or even felt threatened.
The clip was broadcast amid a clear escalation of anti-American rhetoric and even action by Iran: On Saturday, an Iranian admiral announced that Iran had despatched warships to the North Atlantic, while Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei denounced the Americans as liars who, while professing to be friends of Iran, would bring down his regime if they could. He also said it was “amusing” that the US thought Iran would reduce its “defensive capabilities.”
How do you think Iran would fare in a military strike on U.S. or Israeli assets?
Source: Times of Israel
Photo: YouTube Screencapture
Jeremiah says:
“An interesting hypothesis which may have some truth in it. However, whoever wins, Israel loses. Israel would not come through this ‘war’ unscathed. An avalanche of missiles into a small country will not be discriminate in its effects or scale.”
i think they be biting off more then they can chew
Well, obviously they’re going to bite off the nearest targets first , so the USA will be safe; can’t say the same for the 52nd State.
Let’s recognise the fact the Bush’s ‘shock and awe’ tactics which vengefully destroyed Bagdhad will not work with Iran. The allies have already created a snafu in Iraq; for which they will not be thanked. Is the USA going for the double? A fubar in Iran?
Jeremiah says:
“Monika, they are already fecking with the USA and have been for some time. If your scenario is ever played out, Israel will not come through unscathed. If only one tenth of Iran’s missiles get through it’ll be ‘goodnight Israel’. I mention this because imbeciles like John McCain are desirous of this war. That is, the McCain that killed 134 of his own shipmates and wrecked the US aircraft carrier Forrestal at the same time; is this the company you really want to keep.
And, by the way, the world knows that your ‘dome’ is very inefficient.”
Jeremiah says:
“I presume that you have seen the size of Iran? And, what do you think the Iranian military would be doing at the same time? The whole of the Saudi oil production would be wiped out immediately for starters.”
Jeremiah says:
“Well, obviously they’re going to bite off the nearest targets first , so the USA will be safe; can’t say the same for the 52nd State.
Let’s recognise the fact the Bush’s ‘shock and awe’ tactics which vengefully destroyed Bagdhad will not work with Iran. The allies have already created a snafu in Iraq; for which they will not be thanked. Is the USA going for the double? A fubar in Iran?”
Jeremiah says:
“Well, obviously they’re going to bite off the nearest targets first , so the USA will be safe; can’t say the same for the 52nd State.
Let’s recognise the fact the Bush’s ‘shock and awe’ tactics which vengefully destroyed Bagdhad will not work with Iran. The allies have already created a snafu in Iraq; for which they will not be thanked. Is the USA going for the double? A fubar in Iran?”
Jeremiah says:
“It appears that whatever your black president does will not be met with approval? Yet, your country has had a catalogue of educationally subnormal white presidents. Racism is still alive and well in the USA;it’s a good job that the balance of power now lies with the Black and Hispanic USA citizens. Halleluja!”
Iran needs to be careful about who they pick a fight with they are no match for America’s Military
Not well at all!!!
I agree with Jimmie, our Air Force would blow them out of the sky 4 starters!