Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton Set To Campaign Against Them

Hillary Clinton may have tried to threaten Bill’s women decades ago, but some are boldly coming to the forefront needing to get their stories out, so that new voters will be educated about the kind of woman Hillary is and why she and Bill should not be allowed back into the White House.

Willey said she will give interviews and speeches and appear in political advertisements to ensure the accusations remain part of the political discourse during the election campaign.

“They’re going to be confronted every day, on radio, on television, on billboards,” Stone told Reuters, referring to the Clintons. He said he had reached a verbal agreement with Willey but cautioned that the group was still in the planning stages.

Spokesmen for Hillary and Bill Clinton did not respond to questions about Willey.

Stone’s political action committee, which can raise virtually unlimited funds to advocate for or against candidates, was originally created last year under the name Women Against Hillary. It was renamed in January as the Rape Accountability Project for Education PAC, or RAPE PAC.

Source: Reuters





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