Victim Fined for Use Pepper Spray To Fend Off Rape

With the increase of sexual assault and harassment in local Danish towns, it only makes sense to learn how to protect oneself, yet in the town of Sønderborg, it is illegal to fight back a would be rapist with pepper spray.

Sexual assaults have been in the news in Sønderborg recently after several women in the town reported earlier this month that they sometimes feel harassed by the aggressive behaviour of some male asylum seekers and refugees at the local asylum centre.

The seventeen-year-old girl who was knocked to the ground by a dark-skinned man is fortunate to have had pepper spray on her person, as he was in the process of taking her clothes off, but her quick wit allowed her to grab her spray and spray her attacker.

Shockingly, the police say she could be charged with a crime because it is illegal to own pepper spray.  Grave bodily harm is diverted and the victim is fined for her own self preservation.

Numerous readers wrote in the comments section on TV Syd’s story about the incident that they would be willing to pay the girl’s fine, which will most likely be 500 kroner.

The assailant has not been charged and the victim has become a criminal instead.

Source: The Local DK




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