“Trump is attacking us, offending all of us and that could take us to war!” threatens Vicente Fox to Ben Mathis of Kickass Politics. “Not a trade war mind you”, Fox means an actual, Mexico versus the United States.
The army is already here, showing up at Trump rallies and waving their Mexican flags and chanting things like: “Immigrant rights are here to stay, Donald Trump get out of the way”.
Fox spews platitudes from both sides of his face, one moment profaning Trump and the next apologizing.
“One moment Fox is cursing at Trump and now he is making amends and apologizing. Politics as usual?” queries Truth and Action. Again, Vicente Fox plays both sides of the border, attempting to romance Trump while keeping his fellow latinos happy.
View the video of Fox threatening war and calling Trump an ugly gringo on the next page.
If your visa expired you better get ur$#%&!@*back home and help your people to have better life instead them crossing the border illegal,$#%&!@* American people first from now on..
When does the war start and is fox news going to cover the story and show it on cable?
Texas will be your first mastake
U talked the talk now walk the walk coward!
he is the president of mexico. maybe a past one but a current one
Let’s see how many Mexicans will fight….good luck with that Vincente!!!!
I thought “Nieto” was the president of Mexico or is he just Fox’s puppet?
Good luck with that Mexico
He a had been