Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has a problem. On the one hand, he’s been eager to insult and criticize Mr. Trump, especially regarding the border wall. Even more likely to inflame Fox’s anger is Mr. Trump’s insistence that Mexico pay for it.
Part of Fox’s problem has been a desire to continue to appeal to Mexicans and other Latinos while not turning Mr. Trump into a personal enemy. That’s not been the easiest thing for Mr. Fox to do. Mr. Fox takes his rhetoric way over the edge, doing things like calling Mr. Trump a gringo. Not very nice stuff.
So now Fox has not only taken to uttering racially charged remarks, but has threatened violence. It’s a ridiculous threat we examine on page two.
You don’t have a chance in hell spoiled delinquent Liberal and Progressive criminal Degenerates.
We are in the process of weeding out with a fine tooth comb EVERY Obama government placement and other appointees and sympathizers down to the JANITOR.
We do not want not One of the Treasonous Muslim Obama’s Islamist or Liberal sympathetic minions in our American Government or Military!
In America period!
Bye bye Obama!
Bye bye Iran!
Bye bye Islamist!
Bye bye Liberal Judges
Bye bye Elizabeth Warren
Bye bye Nancy Palosi
Bye bye Sanctuary Cities
Bye bye federal money
Bye bye IRS.
Bye bye ACLU
Bye bye welfare and entitled
Bye bye Liberal Colleges
Bye bye illegals
Bye bye rioters
Bye bye BLM and Blk Panthers
Bye bye Perverted
Bye bye Drug dealers and Lords
Bye bye Gangsters and gangbangers.
Bye bye All Anti-Americans!
This is the Short list. …
Get busy busy living or get busy dying.
What you stand for will ultimately seal your fate. A long rough road ahead for you spoiled delinquent Liberals.
Fight back or be devoured!
Today’s Liberals and Progressives are more of a threat to America than Radical Islamist.
go trump!!!!!!
Mexico pissed they have to take their trash drug dealers and criminals back!
This for forgets his history…. what is it that the USMC Anthem says in its first stanza….”From the Halls of Montezuma…..”
Pendejo, your$#%&!@*didn’t fix your fucked up shithole country and now you want to tell us$#%&!@*??$#%&!@*off
This guy collected millions of dollars in drug cartel money, has homes in the USA and France and now dictates what we should do !! Incredible !!!.
shut up criminal
Seize his US homes! Kick him in the$#%&!@*and tell him to shut the hell up
United States does not want Mexico drugs
Scew that old$#%&!@*