Although wide support has spread for a Donald Trump assassination, most people making these remarks do not realize how hypocritical they are being, further proving their intelligence of what America truly needs.
If the public continues to support an assassination of Donald Trump, will it push someone with a serious threat to actually do it?
Anyone who has supported or joked about a Trump assassination, like vice contributing editor Molly Crabapple, for example, tends to have a huge ego associated to their leftist opinions. Crabapple recently posted on her twitter that a Trump assassination would be funny, especially imagining it like a movie of two “stone cold operatives about to assassinate Trump – who are also adorably in love.”
Crabapple is one of many who have taken to twitter to post their opinions, or sometimes threats supporting a Trump assassination. The funniest part is the way Infowars noted that Crabapple’s tweet is just one hypocrisy illustrating how “leftists will whine all day about conservatives engaging in mean and hateful rhetoric“ simultaneously doing it themselves on a regular basis.
Read more on page two.
Arrest her
This is not funny and this little$#%&!@*for brains girl needs to go to jail for inciting a murder. She wouldn’t think it was so funny if this was said about Killery or Bernie or god forbid Ovomit. Maybe we need to save our country from stupidity like her’s.
Arrest her
I’ve read hundreds of distasteful comments on Obama, but never read anything from these people about doing away with him. It is wrong for anyone to say/print suggestions to do anything so horrific as an “assassination”!!! :/
If anyone had said that about Obama during his first campaign, they would have been arrested. Joking or not, it is serious business advocating the killing of a presidential candidate. Try joking about a bomb on a plane and see what it gets you. Same here!!
Put a bullet in her head that would do the world more good
I pray God will allow Trump to be the next POTUS
Put her in jail for a while
Real dumb shits.
In all these years, as much as the the right hates Obama, no one has suggested hus assasination. Arrest, yes. Incarceration, yes. But not murder. The left is filled with imbeciles. The right who hates him is suggesting it too now. So many fools.