Although wide support has spread for a Donald Trump assassination, most people making these remarks do not realize how hypocritical they are being, further proving their intelligence of what America truly needs.
If the public continues to support an assassination of Donald Trump, will it push someone with a serious threat to actually do it?
Anyone who has supported or joked about a Trump assassination, like vice contributing editor Molly Crabapple, for example, tends to have a huge ego associated to their leftist opinions. Crabapple recently posted on her twitter that a Trump assassination would be funny, especially imagining it like a movie of two “stone cold operatives about to assassinate Trump – who are also adorably in love.”
Crabapple is one of many who have taken to twitter to post their opinions, or sometimes threats supporting a Trump assassination. The funniest part is the way Infowars noted that Crabapple’s tweet is just one hypocrisy illustrating how “leftists will whine all day about conservatives engaging in mean and hateful rhetoric“ simultaneously doing it themselves on a regular basis.
Read more on page two.
Obama is more likely to get assasinated
Dumb c**t
When did getting people jobs and stopping criminals from breaking into America bring drugs and enforcing law become fascism. Stupid mooochers her just lie so they can get that free tax dollars hard working American get taken from them.
Leave Trump alone hope he is our next president.
Where is the Secret Service when it comes to anyone and I mean anyone from saying outright the Donald Trump a candidate for the President of the United
I believe that the subject was the threat of assassination of Trump. I do understand and respect your response, thank God we live in America.
needs a visit from the secret service
what planet is this crazy b…. from
Sounds like a threat! Arrest her. I don’t think she knows what Fascism is? Read up on your history honey because you be all wet. In other words you’re inciting a riot and making threats to an American citizen. YOU PEOPLE JUST DON’T GET IT, DO YOU? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE VOTING FOR TRUMP. Why are you so afraid of Trump winning? Are you corrupt too???????????
Why not make jokes about Obama?