More than 200 American service men and women have filed a lawsuit in Brooklyn recently claiming that more than 50 attacks on Americans stationed in Iraq were funded by a handful of major banks.
The lawsuit claims that these banks transferred “billions of dollars on behalf of Iran; even after sanctions were placed on the country because of their suspected financing of terrorist organizations.”
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My god im in that bank. I would hate to think that my money has been lent it given to these animals
where is congress is it because it bib interest
Time to check my mutual fund holdings, hope they’re selling it off.
WTF? Banks FUNDED terrorist attacks?
let’s see where this goes!
Veterans Sue Major Banks For Funding Terrorist Attacks On US Soldiers More than 200 American service men and women have filed a lawsuit in Brooklyn recently claiming that more than 50 attacks on Americans stationed in Iraq were funded by a handful of major banks. The lawsuit claims that these banks transferred “billions of dollars on behalf of Iran; even after sanctions were placed on the country because of their suspected financing of terrorist organizations.” The banks named in the lawsuit are:
• Barclays
• Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
• Standard Chartered
• Credit Suisse
• Bank Saderat Iran, a UK-based subsidiary of an Iranian bank
Court papers filed reveal: “The defendants provided Iran with the means by which it could transfer more than $150 million to the I.R.G.C.-Q.F., Hezbollah and Special Groups, which were actively engaged in planning and perpetrating the murder and maiming of hundreds of Americans in Iraq.”
In fact, the lawsuit explains how the banks cited just happened “to do business with Iranian financial institutions that have separately financed Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group and political party suspected of aiding attacks in Iraq, as well as Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force and other instruments of Iranian state-sponsored terrorism.”
This litigation focuses on how the banks “finance illegal activity” and played a role in handling “tainted transactions” by using the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) to show the bank’s hand in providing “material support” to terrorists.
Gary Osen, one attorney for the plaintiffs, pointed out: “Does it matter whether a particular bank was the physical conduit of the transfers to the terror apparatus, or is it enough that they were in a conspiracy which made that possible, and that they were, as a legal matter, deliberately indifferent to that result?”
In order to move money, according to the lawsuit, banks “ conspired with Iranian banks to mask wire transactions in order to evade US sanctions.”
It is estimated that at least $100 million was funneled to terrorist groups operating in Iraq under the control of Iran:
• a Shi’ite militia in Iraq
• Kataib Hezbollah
• Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
This lawsuit alleges that these banks “indirectly facilitated the attacks by entering into agreements with Iranian banks to mask US dollar wire transactions sent through the United States.”
Osen said: “Each defendant understood that their conduct was part of a larger scheme engineered by Iran.”
HSBC has a history of financing terrorist clients from countries such as Mexico, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria.”
Back in 2012, in Mexico, HSBC allowed massive amounts of monies to be funneled to drug cartels while simultaneously servicing clients in Saudi Arabian and Bangladesh banks to finance many terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda.
At the time, it was revealed that “HSBC officials working closely with Saudi Arabian banks linked to terrorist organizations.” about the lawsuit: “… the four-count criminal information filed in the court charged HSBC with failure to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program, to conduct due diligence on its foreign correspondent affiliates and for violating sanctions and the Trading With the Enemy Act.”Source: occupycorporatism .com Banks are indeed the principle parasite on our nation and every nation around the world. We stepped directly into fascism when we bailed them out and have never recovered. No doubt that the ‘money changers’ have been the primary oppression on the backs of people for many, many generations. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies… The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson
bring all our servicemen home the ones in
the ones we will all love is in the one with this fighting with every one of them home
Seize ALL their Assets World Wide including all executives possessions, and accounts. Then have every soldier apply to have all debt erased and a continuous trust fund set up so that everything they need is taken care of