More than 200 American service men and women have filed a lawsuit in Brooklyn recently claiming that more than 50 attacks on Americans stationed in Iraq were funded by a handful of major banks.
The lawsuit claims that these banks transferred “billions of dollars on behalf of Iran; even after sanctions were placed on the country because of their suspected financing of terrorist organizations.”
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Terrorists being our own government. Tell me why 22 veterans commit suicide everyday. Are we going to blame the Muslims for this? Are we still playing the blaming game across the Atlantic?
Right any nation who can evenmention HOMOs rights, let alone donate special HOMOs behavior then move to TRANSGENDERSs in the Military or kids to enter bathrooms…on and on…and all those in the VA should be JAILED…yet they are going to be punished… JOBS listed for the VA were only former VA personnel NOT THE they are really being punished. What could use the same needle thousands of times or the same tube for Kidney Dialysis…some deranged 2 leggeds who should be HUNG…We are in a Spiritual Battle Evil against us..
Good idea.
I love that bank
Service would be killing these people
You can blame ovomit (a muslim) for the Attack on Vets.
Quit being bitch soldiers in history. Kill who you need to kill dont be idiots
Kill at guy too
what if every American citizen sucked the tip of a soldier…. would they help up then ?