In an open letter posted Sept. 21, Jon Ritzheimer said that he “has everything to lose” and plans to travel from Arizona to Michigan with an armed militia of a “growing number of patriots” to arrest Stabenow because she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran. Once the group has arrested Stabenow, the letter states, the militia will then move on and arrest other lawmakers across the country, including “the president who brokered this deal.” More of Ritzheimer’s plan on the next page:
I hope it happens.
Wow !
This (the arrests) is what’s needed. If he really sets out to do this i PRAY that isn’t the “trigger” Obama seems to continually invite as a “justification” for martial law. That happens,then the ball is gone up and we’ll have a bloodbath the likes of which has NEVER been seen.
I guess People are getting pissed off on whats going on in our government.
Like This.
“I disagree with what the current executive administration is doing, therefore it must be tyranny.”
Excellent! I posted this too a few days ago. George Washington also said, and I am paraphrasing,. When the government takes away the citizens right to have firearms, it is the citizens right to take away the governments right to govern. Sounds good to me!
It’s nice to see you all keeping the aluminium foil manufacturers in business. Buy American!
this group is the TEA PARTY – no truth to many of your posts i’m outta here