In an open letter posted Sept. 21, Jon Ritzheimer said that he “has everything to lose” and plans to travel from Arizona to Michigan with an armed militia of a “growing number of patriots” to arrest Stabenow because she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran. Once the group has arrested Stabenow, the letter states, the militia will then move on and arrest other lawmakers across the country, including “the president who brokered this deal.” More of Ritzheimer’s plan on the next page:
No matter what we still need republicans to vote for it from congress. We needed 2 votes. None of them voted for us. They don’t care
Nathan Towe
get off your high horse and soap box debi or is it deborah..we know what this man means..
love that comment to lorraine chris mc and shane..we got some idiots here thanks judd for pointing that outlmao..
He’d save everyone a LOT of time by marching himself and his “followers” directly to the nearest Federal jail. That’s where they’re going to end up anyway.
thats what scares me ..bama find a way to declare martial law..stop the next election
Citizens say they’d do what’s needed for America freedom, but the folks that do something will be in jail before the crooks in Washington, that always break the law.
I am in !
That’s right give them a tast of their own medicine for once.
Your rights can’t be taken, only surrendered. Our founding fathers chose to resist, so must we.