In an open letter posted Sept. 21, Jon Ritzheimer said that he “has everything to lose” and plans to travel from Arizona to Michigan with an armed militia of a “growing number of patriots” to arrest Stabenow because she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran. Once the group has arrested Stabenow, the letter states, the militia will then move on and arrest other lawmakers across the country, including “the president who brokered this deal.” More of Ritzheimer’s plan on the next page:
We need more people like this man!
They are not asking for Prison time for Bergdoll! And he caused the deaths of many Military members! And they are letting him off without time in jail!
What makes anyone think Obama or any of him minons will see jail??
Bring a Lawyer with you.
Working for a free America
Nice thought, but would get a lot of people killed.
Is there a sign up website?
Good Luck !
So when does Our FORCE Begin??? Better be soon..obummer is moving his army in by the thousands…