In an open letter posted Sept. 21, Jon Ritzheimer said that he “has everything to lose” and plans to travel from Arizona to Michigan with an armed militia of a “growing number of patriots” to arrest Stabenow because she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran. Once the group has arrested Stabenow, the letter states, the militia will then move on and arrest other lawmakers across the country, including “the president who brokered this deal.” More of Ritzheimer’s plan on the next page:
I’m in if needed
Let’s do it
Good! I only wish this to be true!
Yes it is Jen.
Let me break this down for the kool aid drinker…
“Created 13 million jobs” is true if you only look at that side of the number. In reality, the country purges around a million jobs per month from the economy. On average the new jobless claims are around 250,000 per week (as reported by this administration). Multiply that number by 4, to get a monthly total= 1,000,000. Now subtract the new jobs number that is reported monthly: 1,000,000- 200,000= 800,000 jobs LOST PER MONTH!
“Unemployment is low”… Again, yes… If you only look at the reported percentage also called the U3. The true unemployment number, which takes into account the overall total of people out of work according to the workforce participation numbers, is the U6 which is over 10%.
“20 Million gained health insurance” yes, if you include in the number the people that had to sign up multiple times on the healthcare . gov website. But that number doesn’t include the 40+ million people that lost their insurance coverage because of obamacare, the 40+ million people that didn’t have health insurance to begin with, or the ones that lost their coverage because their employer had to lower their hours to part time duties.
The DOW tripled… With a prop up from the government
“Gas below $2” yes… But not because of this administration! Gas is low because the Saudi’s flooded the market with low cost oil to stem the economy if Russia.
“The Bush deficit cut by 2/3s”… Only after he spent our country so deep into a hole that we will never get out of it. National debt under Obama is over $18.5trillion. Was under $10trillion when he took office. And unfunded liabilities are over $100trillion.
“Bin Laden is dead” yes, but not because of Obama. All he did was give the go ahead. Our military and CIA did all the necessary work to find him.
“You still have your guns”… Yes, but this administration is doing everything they can to subvert the constitution, short of burning it in front of congress, to take the guns from the legal gun owners while giving job security to Democrat voters… Er I mean… criminals.
So Gerry, it looks like you need to do some research, and get your head out of the sand.
Oh and he cut the deficit by cutting from our National Defense budget! In the post 9/11 world, the last thing that should be cut is our national defense! But he slashed their budget by over 20%. Cut the number of troops back to pre-World War 1 levels. Cut the number of Naval Vessels back to pre-WW1 levels. Cut the number of aircraft to pre-WW2 levels. Is importing “refugees” from the middle east, knowing that ISIS has infiltrated the Syrian people, and has called for even more attacks against the US. But that is what Obama wants. He wants to bring those people here. Because they will either become Democrat voters, or they will attack us. He doesn’t believe in the ideals of our country. He doesn’t believe in the American Dream. He wants us to be knocked down to the level of the middle eastern countries. And the Dems in congress are helping him with every chance they can. He just allowed Iran to have access to nuclear weapons, while he is trying to disarm Americans.
So Gerry, without using the liberal talking points, please tell us how he “is the best president we have had”.
Why don’t you go do it because your so brave.
Do it please!
This sounds soooo idiotic, I’m going to have to check this out on This is laughable…I’m talking belly laughs. Laughing so hard I almost pee’d.
Yes, finally