In an open letter posted Sept. 21, Jon Ritzheimer said that he “has everything to lose” and plans to travel from Arizona to Michigan with an armed militia of a “growing number of patriots” to arrest Stabenow because she voted for the nuclear deal with Iran. Once the group has arrested Stabenow, the letter states, the militia will then move on and arrest other lawmakers across the country, including “the president who brokered this deal.” More of Ritzheimer’s plan on the next page:
Where can I sign up to join
Sign me up bro
There are so many weapons in this country that the government doesn’t know about. Plus the military would back its citizens we win
Do it!
I have been reading posts from the military vets websites–that’s what I do, I am a researcher, and that is the reason Hagel resigned for he too had taken that oath and with the actively deChristianizing of the military, he said he just didn’t believe what he was seeing with his own eyes. So, many many retired and ex high up in the military, Generals are as we speak talking of taking him down themselves.
Let’s get er done amen
Count me in, I’ve had more than enough of that POS and his corrupt and racist agenda.
Good luck! No back bone….no support here.