A veteran turned into a heroic student as he attempted to save his classmates from the Oregon college shooter.
Family members state that Army veteran Chris Mintz, 30, bull-rushed the Oregon shooter in an attempt to shield other students and ultimately take down the attacker down – taking five shots in the process.
Mintz was taken to hospital following the massacre at Umpqua Community College on Thursday morning. He is reported to have kept repeating “It’s my sons birthday, it’s my sons birthday,” while barely conscience.
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And I dont give THESE away freely. Yours,Sir WAS EARNED!
If this man had been armed!!!
an american hero
All of our combat soldiers come back to the USA after fighting wars in other countries get,shot and sometimes killed here. What the heck is wrong with this picture Terrorism and ISIS is here folks we better get our soldiers home to protect themselves and us. And we better wake up to these threats because they are REAL
what if this was another set up by the president obarma ,this looks like a copy of sandy hook school ,i suppose we will find out when the next shooting in the next school it is amazing that these shootings are targeting schools ,it is quite sickening ,like wise to this schools we need to seriously arm our teachers to protect our children of the future ,..
He is not going to be able to use the VA. So the gofundme account will help him greatly.
I see gods graces upon him in his smile!!!
Wow! Tough guy! God Bless you brave man!!!
Someone please answer me this….. Why is it that all I heard on the news last night is that police officers are the ones who took him down? I don’t believe everything the media reports but we also know it took all officials way way.. To long to release the name of the shooter