The Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 to address legitimate concerns regarding pollution and contaminants that were potentially dangerous and needed to be managed.
Since then, however, it has become a rogue federal agency of some 18,000 employees issuing unconstitutional mandates and living off of huge, unreasonable fines against businesses and individuals that it targets, and that do not have the means to fight the out-of-control behemoth. The EPA levied a fine against the Wal-Mart Corporation of $110 million for the improper disposal of pesticide products returned to their stores, and the list goes on.
Another story in the news deals with a 77-year old Montana resident who simply wanted to provide watering holes on his property for his horses and to protect his property from fire. The EPA instead has decided to make an example of the senior citizen and to completely destroy his life.
Read more of this outrageous story on page 2:
The government needs to get out of people’s lives.
Bob Zahn. You are so FULL OF$#%&!@*!
Fing stupid where do these idiots come from. It’s his land
My thinking exactly. President Trump might be able to get the ball rolling for a quick resolve in favor of a the homeowner
EPA is already in serious decline and trouble
My question exactly Ron. If our property taxes are up to date, why can’t we do what we want on our own property? Is there someone reading this that is familiar with land rights that can enlighten us as to these questions?
The govt. doesn’t own the nation’s water.It is a gift from God.He owns it.
This was an idiot regulation that Obama’s EPA put in place saying that the Govt owns a any and all water in the country including water puddles.
What you think is yours is only yours if you obey there rules