Pat Caddell is a Democrat pollster, and a very smart guy. Many of his positions are socially conservative in nature, and there is no love lost between Cadell and Hillary Clinton.
In a recent address to a predominantly Republican group in South Carolina, he discussed why he thinks that she will not win the presidency in 2016, and the many issues facing American society, which he suggests are increasing the likelihood of a broadbased revolt against both political parties that he sees as corrupt and serving only the political and big money classes.
His polls point to deep dissatisfaction among Republicans who have given their leadership control of the House and Senate, only to see them surrender to Obama and the Democrats with nary a fight, and to give away whatever advantage they might have had from that electoral benefit.
Although Caddell is obviously not a fan of Donald Trump, he suggests that support for Trump is completely understandable since he is not a politician, nor is he operating as one.
Insurrection could be coming, page 2
Liberal media won’t hold them accountable for Benghazi, but instead praises every breath they take, so that they sway the weak minded in our country for their liberal agenda. It will mean death to America if we keep putting liberals into the White House and Congress.
Unfortunately, he was wrong about Romney winning last time…
Pat Cadell is a far left sanders supporter and I see more in common with him than most conservativave Republicans of today. He was far left but did make the great leap left we have seen over the last 7 years.
from his lips to God’s ears
The political class just doe not get it and neither do the “BOBBLE HEADS” in the media. The American people do not WANT a politician because they lie, they steal and they do not keep their promises. They certainly have trashed the country. Everything that is going wrong with the USA is because we have let the political class run amok for the last 30 or 40 years. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE so the American people can have HOPE
Who wins a poll depends on the questions and how they are asked
That is IF the ones in power don’t manage to KILL TRUMP before the elections.
I believe they will at lest try.
This government really don’t want TRUMP. He shakes the pot to much for them.