Pat Caddell is a Democrat pollster, and a very smart guy. Many of his positions are socially conservative in nature, and there is no love lost between Cadell and Hillary Clinton.
In a recent address to a predominantly Republican group in South Carolina, he discussed why he thinks that she will not win the presidency in 2016, and the many issues facing American society, which he suggests are increasing the likelihood of a broadbased revolt against both political parties that he sees as corrupt and serving only the political and big money classes.
His polls point to deep dissatisfaction among Republicans who have given their leadership control of the House and Senate, only to see them surrender to Obama and the Democrats with nary a fight, and to give away whatever advantage they might have had from that electoral benefit.
Although Caddell is obviously not a fan of Donald Trump, he suggests that support for Trump is completely understandable since he is not a politician, nor is he operating as one.
Insurrection could be coming, page 2
#TRUMP!! NO MATTER WHAT!! I am a very Michigan Proud Female Supporting TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!! Only Dems ask Stupid questions!! don’t even bother jackasses!! TRUMP is the BEST MAN for PRESIDENT!!!
Hill will be 100 years old still trying to get what she thinks is hers, the presidency, which she has already destroyed enough,,,,
Trump For President
Hey Veteran pollster….Democrats And Soros fight dirty….that means they will rig the voting machines so that Killary wins
Killery most Americans looks at you like ,obama transgender, an enemy of the country and would like to see you in jail for life.
Remember the fraudulent votes last election so that 0vomit won???
Those votes were all rigged!!!!
There was a recent poll on who they would win, Hillary or Trump, and Hillary won by about 3%. The problem with those poll results is that Trump Trump has barely looked in Hillary’s direction yet, let alone actually gone to battle against her. I’m sure he has a nice fat fold on her ready for when the time is right.
Read slowly twice. If Hillary is exorerated by FBI on 12 criminal felonies, or Lynch will not prosecute, yes it’s time. Third party revolt, and Convention of States and 12 to 20 States secede . Obviously corruption runs White House and congress and cabinets.