Veteran Jonathan Montano was brutally beaten to death by VA police in Loma Linda, CA for trying to leave the hospital after waiting 4 hours with a needle in his arm.
His widow recently filed suit. The couple had been married for 44 years.
“The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,” the lawsuit said.
the govt is out of hand
It os sad what our Veterans have to put up
Still think you want any of your “Benifits from the VA ????? Better just go find a regular Doctor. Benifits for WHO???
If you don’t go to their Doctors, then it will get fixed, by fireing those wanna be doctors., & nurses.
That police officer needs to spend the rest of his life in prizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patients are really taking their lives in their hands by going to a VA facility for health care these days. Nothing like this surprises me anymore. Best carry a good concealed gun if going to a VA just in case the cops there decide to beat you to death “for your own good.” Yea, sure being beaten to death was better for him than the hemodialysis that he was supposed to receive which the VA would not do.
stick it to them they would you or others in va.
This is unspeakable … So many police should be classified haters and not be allowed to serve… This is so common ….
And Kay Hagan says she has helped VA Hospitals. Duh!