Veteran Jonathan Montano was brutally beaten to death by VA police in Loma Linda, CA for trying to leave the hospital after waiting 4 hours with a needle in his arm.
His widow recently filed suit. The couple had been married for 44 years.
“The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,” the lawsuit said.
poor veterans have to watch their backs even at the VA
Prosecute all involved and those in charge. This is murder by thugs!
This is absolutely outrageous!
@ Flavinus. While I totally agree that we have given law enforcement too much power and too many toys (toys that kill people) and you’re right, it’s not just obama, it’s his entire corrupt administration and the no brain morons that, after the first term disaster, gave him a second term. However, some of the things you are saying, if you look at the REAL facts, are not true, liberal propaganda and by the looks of your photo, I may be able to see where your opinions are coming from. Now you are going to call me a racist. Liberals always fall back on the race card when they have no legitimate argument, but I had brothers (not in the race sense but in the feelings toward each other) that where of various races and genders in the Marine Corps and after that They has my back and I had theirs. We were and are best of friends and I respect them for who they are an men and women. I do not see any color when I am with them.
No wonder the f’n cops are getting SHOT !!!!!!!!!!!
obummer will do nothing because he hates the military !!!!!!!
This is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard. The head of Veterans Administration is not doing his job & needs to be replaced with someone who is competent. Our veterans deserve the best medical care possible.
and cops wonder why people no longer trust them??
They are there to stand in the way of Veterans claiming their rightful benefits.