Veteran Jonathan Montano was brutally beaten to death by VA police in Loma Linda, CA for trying to leave the hospital after waiting 4 hours with a needle in his arm.
His widow recently filed suit. The couple had been married for 44 years.
“The summoned VA Police Department police officers then stopped Jonathan Montano from leaving the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, by tackling him to the floor, slamming his head on the floor, and kneeing and stomping on his neck, and otherwise brutalizing and restraining him,” the lawsuit said.
Preview of obama-care.
They need to be tried for murder.
Why was security even called, the man was leaving. Why was security so violent, the man was simply walking out. Why did security not calmly question the man? This is bad rotten.
that was unnecessesary brutality he should not have had to wait 4 hours for treatment this goes to show what obamacare is going to be giving us
VA was like this long before Obama. They are just now showing incidents like that.
‘Sounds like these VA ‘police’ deserve some extended jail time…!
the Obama gestapo
the NAZI are in charge of this government we have now!!
How many more will have to die before the people wake up?
Wow how bad can it get!