Recent reports have already indicated that foreign groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the political and security apparatuses of the United States government. Recently, the Obama administration appointed two extremely controversial advisors to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
One of those advisors, Syrian immigrant Laila Alawa expressed on social media that she felt that the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans “changed the world for good.” In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, anti-Islamist activist Pamela Gellar referred to the attack as “jihad.” Alawa responded on Twitter, telling Gellar, “go f__k yourself.”
Yep. This woman — along with a Muslim former FBI agent who refused to conduct surveillance on fellow Muslims — is advising President Obama on how to combat the Islamic terrorist threat.
Now, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson is confirming what a number of reports have already indicated: Mexican drug cartels have also infiltrated the United States government.
To read more about Attkisson’s disturbing claims, continue on the next page:
That is a product of open borders and political correctness.
as evidenced by pictures of troops holding up their Mexican flag……
Good! At least they will kill the Muslims.
Ya think!!
Really is that why they come to our country illegally and wave their Mexican flag in our face if that’s not called antagonizing then what do you call it what the hell did we do to cause them to antagonize us if they don’t f*** with anybody unless they’ve been f***** with first if that’s the case then tell me what the Americans did and with what you say is true that can be said of patriotic Americans as well watch your backs don’t get them wet
Once you make a decision the universe conspires to make it happen.
Well, yeah, duh?
They will be rooted out in January 2017…
and you are just realizing this?