With all of the political discord carving America into sections, it’s raising a question of why these people who hate America don’t just leave. For 15 years, the flagpole on veteran, Loren Vincent’s front yard always had an American flag on it. But when he looked outside on Monday morning, he found it was gone. Upon closer inspection, he discovered the remains on the ground, burned and melted into the driveway.
Read more about what happened on the next page.
January 20, 2017 ! ! !
If I found out who it was I would BURN THEM. YOU BETTER HIDE REAL GOID!
If they are going to burn the flag….they should wrap themselves in it first !!!!!!
Hate crime.
I know. It’s ridiculous. I beleive it was around the corner from my in laws.
Isn’t that terrible. I have an idea of what type of people did this but I’m not posting it on FB. Ps- love you!
Exactly. Love you too
A lot of brain deads out there!
If you do something like this then there should only be 2 choices for you leave the country for ever or death. There have been to many whom have fought, died or been injered for fighting for this country for which that flag stands.
“If you’re not part of the problem then you’re a part of the solution.” This has a bigger meaning than ever. We as a nation and individuals NEEDS God, because being Godless leads towards darkness,anarchy, choas, no charity for others, and destruction on a temporal and spiritual level (s), but that’s just my thought. What do you think?