With all of the political discord carving America into sections, it’s raising a question of why these people who hate America don’t just leave. For 15 years, the flagpole on veteran, Loren Vincent’s front yard always had an American flag on it. But when he looked outside on Monday morning, he found it was gone. Upon closer inspection, he discovered the remains on the ground, burned and melted into the driveway.
Read more about what happened on the next page.
Criminal gesture.
If they burn your flag, you may get a baby. But when they burn the American flag. They only burn up their money
Time for target practice.
Muslims plan to take over Europe and America. Send Muslims back and don’t allow any more in. Catholic Services, Lutheran Services, and Baptist services are all accepting them for $1000 a piece. We need to confront them all and demand an end to that action. I have called each.
This is what Obama is causing in the US
I am with you, Jodi…. won’t end well……
Kellie Renee White its disgusting…and sad it happened so close to me….
Lock and load. We can fly our flag anywhere in America that we want. This is our country!!!! Shsme on yoy anti-Ametican people.
We don’t need no water let the MFER burn
Impeach Obama. We want América back.