With all of the political discord carving America into sections, it’s raising a question of why these people who hate America don’t just leave. For 15 years, the flagpole on veteran, Loren Vincent’s front yard always had an American flag on it. But when he looked outside on Monday morning, he found it was gone. Upon closer inspection, he discovered the remains on the ground, burned and melted into the driveway.
Read more about what happened on the next page.
What are you crying about. None of you care. All of you sit here and cry like little babies when our country was sold off to the fascist bankers over 100 years ago now during the signing of the Federal reserve act of 1913, yet you all bow to the same regime. Funny how that works.
Down with this fascist capitalistic empire. Down with the crown!
I’m sorry this happened to you and to ‘us’
That is disgusting.
This is not about America… This is about WORLD$#%&!@*by the liberals and muslims! Curious thing is… muslims attack and kill liberals QUICKER than any other Group, so why are they BOTH trying to destroy, the ONLY Nation that will accept them without questions…hahaha
what disgrace,,,cowards!!!! dont like America ten leave and dont come back…………………obomo has disgrace America to long time to serve him his evicition papers
Jennifer Vieira Goss Renee Perry Vieira this happened in Turlock. Horrifying.
thats sick.. nothing to say thank you for your service more than that.. perhaps these morons who did that should go fight isis & burn they’re dumb flag..see how that goes over .
so some scumbag low life trespasses on a vets property and burns his flag. hope they find that pos and “fly” him in place of the flag.
D .obama!!!!