26-year-old Brandon Raub, a decorated U.S. veteran who has served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was arrested on Aug. 16, 2012 by local police, Secret Service and FBI agents for posts he made on Facebook.
No charges were actually levied against Raub, yet he was arrested and eventually involuntarily thrown into a mental hospital for making his anti-government, anti-Obama posts on social media.
Coming to the veteran’s aid was attorneys from the Rutherford Institute, who challenged the government’s actions as a violation of Raub’s First and Fourth Amendment rights…
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Welcome to hope and change!
There are evil people that wear neckties that have placed themselves in place of representation of a country man when there nothing more than the scrapings of the barrel and then they have a density to send out law enforcement to do their evil work. You are the evil that sets amongst the Countryman. And you have the more for with undeveloped mind place a badge on and do your dirty work under the false representation of law the law has turned itself into a thug and it’s represented by narrow minded unthinking self individuals. You’re nothing more then a big hug
Russ Dodson You know wsoc is pathetic, from the very beginning of the kerrick incident channel 9 addressed the situation as a white cop kills an unarmed black man over and over again.Then in the most recent tragedy of the 2 reporters being shot it is addressed as just that 2 reporters were shot . not 1 time was it said that a black man shot and killed 2 unarmed white reporters not 1 time (Ericka Bryant).This is pure racist, and you think its ok????? I MEAN WONT EVEN MENTION THAT THE MAN THAT KILLED THESE PEOPLE WAS BLACK, REALLY???? You people should be ashamed .Am i the only one that has noticed channel 9 racial bias narrative??Come on people this is bullcrap and we deserve better than this.Why is it that the only time color is mentioned is when the black person is supposedly the victim???
Stand Against Tyranny.
it isn’t the USA anymore!!!!
I better look out, and put land mines in the yard.
Conservatives, apparently, don’t have the right of free speech
This is Obama’s way of keeping people from speaking against him and questioning his criminal behavior and it bothers the jackass that people see through his actions and support of terrorists and hate for America. It is Obama who should be incarcerated not American Citizens.
A government out of control! If you can’t trust your politicians then it’s the duty of its citizens to take back control and throw these dirt bags to the curb. Wake up people!
We’re supposed to protest against bad government it’s our right and what makes us Americans..it’s time for a revolution..