Socialism always starts as a “people’s movement,” with mindless and ignorant people being directed by elitist con men in the background, telling the foolish that by bringing down the “rich,” everyone will share in the abundance that socialism will bring. It is always a lie, and invariably almost all the people end up in poverty, with the exception of the top socialist leaders who live like kings. Fidel Castro is certainly one who has lived that life, and his protege, Hugo Chavez destroyed the Venezuelan economy pursuing the same socialist policies.
When the economy comes crashing down, it is necessary for the leadership to blame an outside source, and when Chavez was alive, he continually named the United States for all of the woes the country was suffering from. In fact, the oil rich country provides 9 percent of the U.S. gross oil imports, which must be a considerable sum of export income to the nation of 30 million people. As such, the U.S. provided a huge portion of the countries income, but Chavez resented that as well.
Venezuela has expropriated foreign and domestic businesses, which means that the people have little invested in the country and are becoming very unhappy with the leadership as it nosedives to complete economic ruin.
For more on the Venezuelan “people’s paradise,” see page 2:
This is communism, not socialism. In communism a dictatorial government controls all means of production. In socialism, means of production is privately owned and regulated by a democratically elected government, with a social safety net. Pure capitalism fails as wealth is concentrated in a few hands, What works is a good blend of capitalism with some socialism. You need a safety net, not a welfare state. Help people through rough times, give them an opportunity to earn their own living. Getting the right balance isn’t easy.
You may want to let your tin foil hat out a notch.
Venezuela nationalized all of its mineral resources when Hugo Chaves took over. And they also nationalized (stole) 7 of Helmerick and Paynes’s drilling rigs.
History’s trying to tell us something.
If large herds of ignorant sheep keep falling for the same b******t time and time again, then maybe they really do need to be kept in a cage where they can be watered and fed……
Buddy DeLong lip service. EXXON “Froze” all their assets.
Buddy DeLong Venezuela backed off.
John Baker Why would we build it? We can scare Mexico into building it. What? Are they going to deploy their troops? Lol
Uummmmmm…. Sorry. We’ve got way bigger fish to fry than to worry about y’all down there in South America…
So did democracy, as a rebellion against a monarchy!
Matthew Mccabe is an f ing idiot.