Vatican Steps Up Security After ISIS Threats

Given the central role of the Vatican to the Catholic faith, it is no wonder that the radicals of the Islamic State would want to target it. Indeed, a good number of their videos released on the Internet feature declarations by it’s members that they will soon strike in the Holy See. According to Express:

“Following the bloody night in Paris last month last month, in which 130 people died, Pope Francis said: ‘Such barbarity leaves us dismayed, and we ask ourselves how the human heart can plan and carry out such horrible events.’

‘There are no justifications for these things.’

The latest, and most ominous video, shows CGI ISIS tanks advancing on a crumbling Colosseum, promises a final battle between ‘believers’ and ‘crusaders.’

It also shows an eerie St Peter’s Basilica, the papal enclave within the Vatican City, bathed in an orange light and accompanied by chilling music.

The video’s narrator then apparently claims that ISIS will take over Rome, destroying crucifixes and taking Christian women as slaves.

Last week, yet another video was released by ISIS, again specifically mentioning the Italian capital.

In it, a jihadi vowed: ‘By Allah, if we brought down France in its homeland, in Paris, then we swear, by the command of Allah, we will attack America in its heartland, in Washington, Allah permitting, and we will invade Rome, Allah permitting.'”

Source: Express



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