Upon Pope Francis’ September visit to the U.S. he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied in a founding document of our country, the Declaration of Independence, says top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs is a special adviser to the United Nations and directs the Earth Institute at Columbia University and may have accidentally revealed a global gameplan already in play under the guidance of world leaders.
You people are stupid.
We advise this advisor to mind his freakin business.
hope that this is not true because there are still some of us who read the bible and know the signs of the end of the world…
Stay the hell out if my free sovereign nation!
Muslims working with Catholics???? Naaaaahhhh.
He needs some fresh air,,,,maybe he needs to go somewhere else…and stay out of our business….
He is not my Pope. .
He and Old Popey guy can go back and be with their stable of altar boys and leave us the hell alone
No its not o.k.
No doubt who he is now.
that is the most absurd thing i have read. he has no power to do that. he is in the wrong field when he messes with Declaration .stay with your religious field