When Pope Frances comes to the U.S. in September he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied ina founding document of our country, the Declaration of Independence, according to top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs, who is also a special advisor to the UN and directs the Earth Institute at Columbia University, may have inadvertently revealed a global game plan in play by world leaders.
America rules America !
The neo cons have been saying the cons$#%&!@*ution is obsolete and gets in the way of their nefarious scams anyway.
Pull US AMB$#%&!@*ADOR. Cancel Pope visit. Stop foreign aid to a nation that we saved in WWII.
Cleanup your own house before you start telling people how to run their house.
The Pope needs to mind his own business !
the pope should stay home,we don’t need his input.
Go to hell
Wet need to be out of the UN!
Leave our Cons$#%&!@*ution alone! The Pope can just go back to Rome.
Is this not what our war for independence was about?
We do not need or want another country or several, telling us how to live our lives. And we sure do not need or will put up with another country saying they are going to tax us to pay for the greater good of mankind so that everyone will have equal pay, even if they do not work for it. They expect the american people to work ourselves to death to pay for others that refuse to get off their butt and work to provide for their family. Have I got this right? Or am I way off base? Americans that are retired and are trying to live off of SS do not get as much money as the illegals that are in our country. We worked for our SS but the illegals have not. They just walk in and hold out their hand and the government gives them anything they need. Now you are going to try to make us pay for the world’s poverty. We were giving to the poor before you ever showed up to try and force your agenda down out throats.