When Pope Frances comes to the U.S. in September he will directly challenge the “American idea” of God-given rights embodied ina founding document of our country, the Declaration of Independence, according to top Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs.
Sachs, who is also a special advisor to the UN and directs the Earth Institute at Columbia University, may have inadvertently revealed a global game plan in play by world leaders.
The Christian religion became official when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and started the first official Christian church, the Roman Catholic Church in Rome.
Its kinda too late: we have too much evil in the USA now. The best thing to do is to be reborn and leave the rest to Bible Prophecy. So far it has been right on.
They want One World Government and Satan in charge of One World Religion. Our US Cons$#%&!@*utuion and Biill of Rights were crafted to prevent against the evils of excessive, demagogic government eroding our God-given rights.
Thanks David Molinarolo
Sorry, Holy Father..This not not your area to become involved in..Please stick to our Religion..Church and State do not mix well!
ay this Pope!!!!!!
Really is it any of the Vatican’s business
This NWO order was originally a conspiracy theory, now we see that it is true. The “Elite” want to make this world theirs and the millions of us can be sacrificed for their idea of the world.
Well I guess the Bible is becoming obsolete then… WOW
Vatican can shove it. I m Protestant anyway