The Vatican is officially welcoming the Iran nuclear bomb agreement between the P5+1 world powers (U.S., UK, China, France, Russia, Germany) and Iran. They openly stated that the Holy See believes Tehran will reduce its nuclear capabilities in exchange for sanctions relief.
They are ignorant, like Obama and the others, considering Iran is very excited about their new “find” of enriched uranium. In calling for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons, the Vatican also appeared to target Israel, given that it is the lone nuclear power in the region.
More bizarre Vatican notes on the next page:
read the bible again,pope pls!
Soon, Israel will be all alone- except for God (of course)
Just like siding with$#%&!@*!!!!!
There is a bid difference between images carriers the pope and cross carryers!
Whats with that?
The end is coming! Don’t take my word for it. Look at the bible
Pope Francis is a socialist, communist Pope. This Pope praise Lucifer in his praying.
The Bible says Jews are God’s chosen people. Read it. Don’t argue the TRUTH. Just because you are a Jew Hater.
read revelations,the apostate church
The False Prophet is an “agent” of satan … a world religious leader, but not satan himself. This Fals Prophet will assist the Anti-Christ, (the personification of satan) come to power. The two will be thepower structure during the Tribulation; the Anti-Christ being THE SUPREME WORLD RULER. Everyone else will be his follower or be beheaded. Facts in book of Revelation.