The Vatican is officially welcoming the Iran nuclear bomb agreement between the P5+1 world powers (U.S., UK, China, France, Russia, Germany) and Iran. They openly stated that the Holy See believes Tehran will reduce its nuclear capabilities in exchange for sanctions relief.
They are ignorant, like Obama and the others, considering Iran is very excited about their new “find” of enriched uranium. In calling for a Middle East free of nuclear weapons, the Vatican also appeared to target Israel, given that it is the lone nuclear power in the region.
More bizarre Vatican notes on the next page:
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm dan 9 aktivated
I’m not surprised!
Lies, terrorism during bible times were called sicarii among Hebrews, Jesus was considered a sicarii althought he wasn’t inciting anything, he was just doing his “own thing with the apostoles” but sicarii’s loved Jesus nonetheless because the man was helping steer all kinds of troubles against t roman occupation in Samaria and Judea. Pharisee and Sadducee hate it him and the whole movement. They were afraid romans will come slaughter them and that they did in 66AD. But at that time they were so enraged with Jesus teachings they knew they had to dispose of him and to this day they are proud of it too. 60 something years after Jesus death a revolt started, General Vespasian an a legion or two came and crush the opposition. The temple got destroyed and those that survived but did not fled became food for the beast or crucified. But, those that escaped and wanted to uphold their traditions, pleaded with the Romans to hold on to some pseudo Jewish Hellenistic religion as long as they were willing to pay heavy taxation to ROME. The jews were so disgusted they would help persecute christians and would never lok back about their mischivious ways. Jwes have been persecuted ever since so their religion teach them how to manipulate and do the evil when living in foreign cities of the GOYIM, (that would be us). about the whole christian movement the Iran is what Persia used to be although they are very proud of their rich heritage. That’d irrelevant though. Israel is still waiting for the Messiah. It’s so happen we are expecting an Antichrist. Messiah ?? Antichrist ??? See the relationship !??. (Jews by their own definition of a messiah are really waiting for an Antichrist).
No, Angel Acevedo, THEY ARE AWAITING THE MESSIAH, JESUS. not the Anti-Christ.
Boycott the p**p i mean pope
The big sellout of the Jews. It’s happening again folks. The Vatican was pretty much pro$#%&!@*during WWII so this isn’t a big surprise. If I was an American Jew or a Europien Jew, I would be getting nervious.
false prophet , leader of non christians
The pope has lost it!
Why is the Vatican supporting every EVIL on this planet? Is tthis the last Pope?
for every decision, there are consequences, every time Israel is abondoned there is severe judgement