Michelle Obama is the “it” political darling of fashion, alongside her partner, former President Barack Hussein Obama, according to Vanity Fair.
Michelle Obama also seems to be one of those rare women who learn about femininity from her daughters, instead of the other way around.
Take a look at this outfit. Doesn’t it look like something she could have pulled out of her teenage daughter’s closet 10 sizes smaller? That is not an insult. Bodies often change over time and Michelle is a mother, it is not insulting to women to point out few retain the figures they held in their teenage years once approaching the second chapters of their lives.
This image is making headlines as the renewed fashion magazine Vanity Fair recently made a surprise announcement concerning the former 1st lady. Barack and Michelle Obama may no longer be living in the White House, but the liberal globalist fashion houses want you to make no mistake, they’re still classier than Melania Trump, and we should all be very sad to no longer have this “radiant” “gorgeous” “fashion forward” “not an angry black woman” representing our country.
Former 1st Lady Michelle Obama and former French 1st Lady and international supermodel Carla Bruni
Head on over to the next page to view this astonishing latest liberal attempt to force the sheep to deny what they can see with their own two eyes and worship at the shrine of the Obamas.
Vanity has no taste
is that a joke??? her clothes were gross
Melania is not in need of acceptance from liberal publications!
We know better!!
Time to change their name from Vanity Fair to Vanity Bias.
Vanity Fair is trash
LOL muslim communist male go figure HA HA
Krooked Killiary Klinton (KKK) was fired from the Watergate Commission for being a incompetent criminal. She was implicated in criminal activity in the Whitewater Investigation, the chief witness died before testifying. She was involved in the death of Vince Foster another witness that died before testifying. She tried to coverup Monica for Bill. She didn’t do anything worthwhile at all while first lady and wants to take credit for being a co-president. She was a reverse carpet bagger moving to NY from Arkansas so she could be a do nothing Senator from NY. She ran for President and was out smarted by a community organizer. As Secretary of State she completely screwed up our foreign policy. She was involved in starting the war in Libya. She refused to let the military accept Ghaddafi’s unconditional surrender and truce She completely botched Benghazi and got 4 Americans killed including her own Ambassador after refusing to give him the additional security he requested. He wasn’t just killed, he was raped, sodomized and tortured for 5 hours while Killary and Obama got high on whatever it is that they use now. Remember Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods next time she talks about her experience. She also used a private email account at State Department trying to hide her underhanded incompetent handling of diplomacy. She opened the account as soon as she was sworn in as Secretary of State and kept it the whole time she was in the position. She didn’t use her official email account, instead conducting her electronic mail via her personal, hidden account. That is not only illegal, it’s also premeditated. That doesn’t even take in Travelgate, Filegate, Chinagate. Can’t wait for her to run again. Can you image the questions she will have to answer in a debate? Maybe that’s the way the American people will get the answers since she keeps faking sickness and fainting every time Congress wants her to answer questions. And guess what, you get a twofer because Bill is now implicated in the Pedophile billionaire case.