Big government liberals look out for their own, as the city of Chicago’s treatment of one it’s own proves.
Before she became notorious as one of the main people whispering into President Obama’s ear, Valerie Jarrett served as chairman of the Chicago Transit Authority. While a far cry from being able to mold the agenda of the White House, it was a job that served – and continues to serve – her well.
Although she retired from her part-time position after 8 years, Jarrett receive the kind of pension that would make you think she worked for the city most of her life. Although Chicago city officials are reportedly only permitted to begin earning pension payments once they turn 50, Jarrett wasted no time digging into her lucrative fund.
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What happened to spread the wealth. Oh, I see, infidels don’t get anything. Ah now I see.
Emily Jones Manning, You get out how much you pay in. I paid in the Max. Each hear i worked. for 45 years, and retired at 66.No public are federal employee, is worth more than i am for any kind of public are federal job retirement money.
This needs to stop immediately! Shame on our government
Plastic faced$#%&!@* Terroist money laundering hor
This piece of trash, hopefully isis will get a hold of her and give her what she deserves. Total mutalation
That is criminal
Almost makes one feel there is something really crooked going on.
And the veterans and seniors get nada
That’s BS