Big government liberals look out for their own, as the city of Chicago’s treatment of one it’s own proves.
Before she became notorious as one of the main people whispering into President Obama’s ear, Valerie Jarrett served as chairman of the Chicago Transit Authority. While a far cry from being able to mold the agenda of the White House, it was a job that served – and continues to serve – her well.
Although she retired from her part-time position after 8 years, Jarrett receive the kind of pension that would make you think she worked for the city most of her life. Although Chicago city officials are reportedly only permitted to begin earning pension payments once they turn 50, Jarrett wasted no time digging into her lucrative fund.
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How in the hell does a city official draw that kind of money,the at makes no sense at all ,who is she blowing??
They only get involved in government for the money…….honey……
Where’s Bernie? Oh, I forgot she’s just another corrupt Democrat !
No one should receive any pay after they leave office! I’m sick of us as Americans paying everybody’s way!!!!
The dumbing down of the populus is complete!!
This POS is unbelievable even in today’s surroundings!!
Taught school for 43 years. I don’t get eventt half the $ from SS tha the average American receive s.
This is disgusting, cut the$#%&!@*off.
This kind of thievery from the American people has to stop. They all need social security just like the people. Also, term limits for all. No more giving themselves fat checks. …..set limits also.