Mr. Obama apparently will take all the help he can get in trying to rehabilitate his legacy. As part of that enormous project, longtime advisor and confidant Valerie Jarrett has moved from the White House into the Obamas’ $5.3 million mansion in DC. That’s clearly not because she could not find housing elsewhere. The Iranian-born Jarrett was so close to Obama during his presidency, that it has been said he did not make a decision without consulting her first.
As President Trump demolishes one part of Mr. Obama’s legacy after another, the former president must be getting increasingly infuriated. His agenda ended with a thud when Mr. Trump took over. And whatever part of Obama’s legacy wasn’t about to collapse on its own came under attack from President Trump.
More on Mr. Obama’s agenda for attempting to topple President Trump on page two.
Obama’s Treasonous Acts List.
1. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by releasing five suspected terrorists and former members of the Taliban who participated in or orchestrated attacks against Americans.
2. He violated a law he signed six months prior requiring him to notify Congress 30 days before releasing GITMO detainees.
3. He has willfully and repeated violated Article I, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution by continuously amending the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
4. He knowingly and willfully violated Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution by signing the ACA, knowing full well it was a bill for raising revenue that had originated in the Senate.
5. He engaged in fraud by repeatedly lying to the American people about the effects of the ACA by claiming that Americans could keep their current coverage and physicians if they chose.
6. He exercised an abuse of power by instructing, through his proxies, agents of the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative organizations and his critics for extra scrutiny and audits.
7. He participated in an obstruction of justice and a criminal conspiracy by hindering a Congressional investigation into the Internal Revenue Service targeting scandal and using Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice in that obstruction.
8. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by ordering or allowing the sale of arms and ammunition to al-Qaida-linked terrorists in Syria and by dispatching agents of the government to advise and train in the use of the those weapons and in military tactics.
9. He failed, despite repeated requests by the U.S. Consulate, to provide the security necessary to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel and the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
10. He knowingly and willfully denied military assistance to Americans under attack at the Benghazi Consulate, resulting in the trashing of the U.S. Consulate building, the theft of sensitive documents and the deaths of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
11. He knowingly and willfully lied and ordered his proxies to lie about the circumstances surrounding the attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, thereby perpetrating a fraud on the American people in order to ensure his re-election and to cover up his illegal gun running operation.
12. He violated the War Powers Act by failing to gain Congressional approval for the military attack on Libya that resulted in the overthrow of the Libyan regime.
13. He provided aid and comfort to the enemy by using the American military and intelligence organizations and allowing the sale of arms and ammunition to al-Qaida-linked terrorists in order to assist them in overthrowing a legal regime in Libya that Congress had not declared war upon.
14. He has repeatedly made war on various Middle Eastern countries with the use of drone attacks without the approval of Congress in violation of the War Powers Act and in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
15. He has ordered the murders of at least three American citizens without due process in violation of Amendments 5, 6, 8 and 14.
16. He has repeatedly used the Environmental Protection Agency to contravene Congress and pass laws harmful to American businesses and consumers, in violation of Article I, Section 1.
17. He has repeatedly violated the 4th Amendment by allowing agencies under his direction to continue to spy upon, wiretap and collect personal information of American citizens who are not criminal suspects.
18. He has repeatedly violated Article II, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution by disregarding laws passed by Congress, including, but not limited to, U.S. immigration laws, civil rights laws and the Defense of Marriage Act.
19. He knowingly allowed the illegal sale of weapons to Mexican narco-terrorists that were later used to kill Americans, including border agent Brian Terry.
20. He obstructed justice by participating with Attorney General Holder in a cover-up of the Fast and Furious gun running scheme.
21. He knowingly and willfully violated Article IV, Section 4 by failing to protect the border States against invasion, and in fact encouraged that invasion through his rhetoric and with the use of executive orders that contravened U.S. immigration law.
22. He knowingly and willfully violated Article IV, Section 4 (guaranteeing a republican form of government to each State) by strong-arming, intimidating and threatening to withhold funds from the States of Oklahoma, Texas, Montana, Rhode Island and Arizona in order to coerce the people and legislatures of those States and prevent the passage of laws according to the citizen’s wishes.
23. He instructed his Interior Secretary to ignore the orders of Federal courts to lift a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, which denied oil workers an opportunity to earn a living and damaged the U.S. economy.
24. He broke established precedent and contravened established bankruptcy law, to the detriment of the bond holders and the advantage of his campaign contributors (auto unions) in the General Motors bailout.
In the auto bailout, he knowingly and willfully deprived numerous auto dealers of their dealerships for political reasons in violation of Amendments 4 and 14.
25. He repeatedly transferred funds from the U.S. Treasury to his cronies and campaign contributors for use in failing green energy schemes.
26. He violated Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution by appointing officers without first obtaining the “Advice and Consent of the Senate.”
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2 Muslims planning to overthrow the President.Time that Trump puts his Foot down.
Oh, two can play this game. Do you think that while you folks are tapping phones (which is illegal) and leaking information carefully edited (which is treason) that all your actions are not being watched and reported on?
Arrest them for treason. Trying to overthrow our elected government.
Good luck losers…not!
How sick is this. This conniving criminal is always up to no good.
If we don’t get a grip on this sick and twisted evil person he will destroy what’s left of our Country. Wake up America.
A threesome
I hope you both cross the line and go to jail
It’s time for trump to send in the military and arrest all of em for treason.
Well she is better looking than Mitchell – oops I meant Michelle – but even that’s a stretch.