Mr. Obama apparently will take all the help he can get in trying to rehabilitate his legacy. As part of that enormous project, longtime advisor and confidant Valerie Jarrett has moved from the White House into the Obamas’ $5.3 million mansion in DC. That’s clearly not because she could not find housing elsewhere. The Iranian-born Jarrett was so close to Obama during his presidency, that it has been said he did not make a decision without consulting her first.
As President Trump demolishes one part of Mr. Obama’s legacy after another, the former president must be getting increasingly infuriated. His agenda ended with a thud when Mr. Trump took over. And whatever part of Obama’s legacy wasn’t about to collapse on its own came under attack from President Trump.
More on Mr. Obama’s agenda for attempting to topple President Trump on page two.
Obama, Clinton, the Dems, and the Republicans all tried to “topple Trump”. My money is on President Trump.
He surely knows this is a direct attack on this country!!
Obama is a Dictator and he needs to be charged with Treason!
Here is the real Russia story. this guy met with Obama 22 times in the last two years. Six times he met with Obama while then Secretary of State Clinton was working out a deal selling off twenty percent of our uranium mines to the Russians. Oh, and what did she get out of it, only a $20 million dollar donation from Russia to the Clinton Foundation. Obama and Clinton are dirty as hell. Sessions met with the ambassador once last summer as part of a Congressional group. And guess who was Schumer’s guest at the speech that Trump gave to Congress this week. you guessed it, it was the Russian ambassador sitting right next to him. We need to investigate the Obama/Clinton ties to Russia, not Sessions.
Dumb and dumber.
This one needs to be deported.
Seriously, what is Obama’s agenda that he cant give up and move on with his life, is their something he fears that Trump will find out? One should really question the real intentions of our past president because this is very unusual and has seems very sinister.
No Weapon will prosper against Our God Ordained President !!! In FACT Any Attempt to Harm him will be the Boomerang back to THEM SPEEDLY In Jesus Name,,AMEN !!!!!!!! Praise God for Our President !!!!!