Mr. Obama apparently will take all the help he can get in trying to rehabilitate his legacy. As part of that enormous project, longtime advisor and confidant Valerie Jarrett has moved from the White House into the Obamas’ $5.3 million mansion in DC. That’s clearly not because she could not find housing elsewhere. The Iranian-born Jarrett was so close to Obama during his presidency, that it has been said he did not make a decision without consulting her first.
As President Trump demolishes one part of Mr. Obama’s legacy after another, the former president must be getting increasingly infuriated. His agenda ended with a thud when Mr. Trump took over. And whatever part of Obama’s legacy wasn’t about to collapse on its own came under attack from President Trump.
More on Mr. Obama’s agenda for attempting to topple President Trump on page two.
Susan Lawson Pavlich Earl Erb
I’m sure the bunker under the white house which the Obama’s have access to offers plenty of room for them all!
And Sleep with the ex.
I guess CHEWY was spending to much time with the Goats so Barry wanted some fresh goat
More Muslims deport all of them now before it gets worse.
Get them all together. Move the Clintons in too. May need to hide Soros.
Democrat$#%&!@*muslim traitors with the black$#%&!@*still trying to destroy the United States be betrayed once before.
So what your saying Sharon is even a former president is allowed to overthrow the government of the United States of America?
Despicable. She was by him during his whole administration doing the same thing.